Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How Web Widgets Help With Viral Marketing

A Web widget is a mini tool—a chunk of code that people can insert in just about any Web page to perform a specific function. Usually, Web widgets are snippets of HTML. Examples:

* HTML that displays a picture on a MySpace profile

* HTML that embeds a YouTube video in a blog entry

* HTML that embeds a portion of one's calendar on a personal Web site

Experienced Web developers may question the significance of Web widgets. For them, the concept of chunks of reusable HTML doesn't seem particularly revolutionary. However, for marketers, widgets have become very important on the Web.

YouTube ( is perhaps the quintessential example of the success of widgets. YouTube is a Web site that enables users to share and view online video clips. When you visit a video at the YouTube Web site, you'll find a chunk of HTML that you can copy and then paste into your blog, MySpace page, or other Web site. Visitors to your site can then watch the video without having to click over to the YouTube site. Every time someone embeds a YouTube video on a page, it serves as an advertisement for the YouTube service.

read on....

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